Test Blog
With the principal-agent model, the actuality of these situations are day-in and day-out situations, but often times the triangle agent model is one that is more factor based. One that sticks in my mind as a situation that I saw from afar was this summer while I was working for large corporation in Chicago. The group that I was with had a main manager, with her reporting to the department head. The group used to be co-managed before another department needed a manager. With the change of a single manager, the manager implemented unofficial teams to include senior members of the team as team leaders, helping her workload in terms of assisting the group. While everyone still reported to the main manager, they unofficially were under the leadership of the two senior group members. With these two senior members, while it was not an official triangle principal agent with direct reports, there was an unofficial triangle situation. I noticed this from the people on the team that I was w...
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