Through my experiences in student government, there have been many people that I have encountered that have either acted opportunistic or not acted opportunistic. Through this, I have learned there are many reasons that people act the way that they do. What I have found to be consistent though is that if someone acts opportunistic once, it is much more likely that they will do it again. The reversal is true if someone does not act opportunistic, they are less likely to act opportunistic in the future. It appears those who act opportunistic fall down a slippery slope in which it becomes easier to justify their rationale. A specific example comes to mind in terms of a few individuals who acted opportunistically. For the sake of anonymity, some parts of this is going to be left out but the situation is the important aspect. A few years ago, there was a situation that the student government was working on an initiative that gave students items during a specific campus holiday. The stu...